Resetting BigCommerce for WordPress via Command Line

For some reason the connection between WordPress and the BigCommerce store via API seems a bit “fragile.” I have had situations where it appears to work, but product images don’t transfer, or product reviews don’t transfer, or some other functionality appears broken. One thing to try is to reset the plugin – basically deactivate the […]

Extend Product “Add to Wishlist” Functionality in BigCommerce for WordPress

BigCommerce for WordPress includes out of the box the ability for customers to have multiple wishlists and an “Add to Wishlist” button on product detail pages. But what if you want to add a heart icon or other button that is present wherever products are displayed?? Many designs include this functionality on category pages, listing […]

Don’t Be An Idea Person

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about ideation and implementation. Based on the ways I’ve heard nonprofiteers talk about these two concepts it seems we’ve created a false dichotomy. How many times have you heard phrases like: “I’m no good at details. I’m more of an idea person.” “He focuses on details and doesn’t see […]

The Bright Side of Pessimism

How many times in a meeting have you said, “HEY everyone I have the best idea….” Your boss is nodding vigorously. Your work bestie is clasping her hands in delight. You’re beaming from ear to ear. But you can’t celebrate yet. You forgot about negative Nelly. Nelly is already scowling. She’s just waiting to chime […]